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Will Driving School Lower Insurance in Illinois? MyDrive Academy’s Guide to Savings

Will Driving School Lower Insurance in Illinois?
MyDrive Academy's Guide to Savings

Are you considering enrolling in a Driver’s Education Course or Behind the Wheel training at MyDrive Academy? If so, you might be making a wise decision not only to acquire valuable driving knowledge but also to potentially lower your car insurance costs. In this article, we’ll explore how completing our courses can lead to insurance discounts and help you secure a safer, more economical future on the road. 

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Insurance providers have taken notice of the value of driver's education, and as a result, many offer attractive discounts on auto insurance premiums for drivers who complete a certified driver education program, making it a wise investment for motorists to get trained and stay safe on the road.

Insurance Discounts for Completing Driver’s Education Courses

Many insurance companies recognize the benefits of driver’s education and offer discounts on auto insurance premiums for drivers who complete such courses. However, it’s important to note that not all insurance providers offer these discounts, and the nature and amount of the discount can vary significantly. Therefore, it’s prudent to check with your insurance company to determine if they offer such discounts and what their specific terms are.

Compliance with State Requirements Can Lead to Lower Rates

In Illinois, as in many other states, there are driving school requirements for new drivers. Complying with these requirements can be a key factor in lowering your car insurance rates. Moreover, older adults may also qualify for safe driving discounts by completing driving school courses, and many auto insurance companies offer discounts to anyone who completes defensive driving classes and maintains a safe driving record.

Direct Car Insurance Discounts Vary

Direct car insurance discounts for completing driving school programs can start at about 5% and go as high as 20% for some qualified drivers. Your insurance agent will provide you with the specific offerings based on factors like your age, location, and driving record.

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Insurance companies are incentivizing safe driving habits among young drivers by offering significant discounts of approximately 10% on car insurance premiums to those who have completed a driver's education course, making it a smart move for young motorists to get educated and save on their insurance costs.

Benefits for Young Drivers

Young drivers, in particular, stand to benefit from enrolling in driving education courses. Many insurance providers offer discounts of about 10% on car insurance rates for young drivers who complete drivers education courses. Some companies may even provide additional discounts for maintaining a good GPA or taking extra defensive driving courses in addition to state requirements.

Savings for the Whole Family

The advantages of driving school extend beyond just the individual. When a new or teen driver completes driving school, the entire family can save on auto insurance when policies are bundled together. Defensive driving courses for all drivers on the policy can result in additional discounts that continue for up to three years, compounding your savings over time.

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Insurance discounts for completing driving school programs can vary, but qualified drivers can expect a range of savings from a minimum of 5% to a maximum of 20% off their direct car insurance rates, making it a worthwhile investment for safe and responsible drivers to get trained and certified.

Investing in Safety

Considering that national studies suggest that drivers education and graduated driver’s license programs can reduce teen car accidents by up to 50%, the minor cost of driving school becomes a valuable investment. It helps keep young drivers safer while avoiding the rate hikes that often accompany even minor car accidents.

Insurance Providers Offering Discounts

While not every car insurance company offers driving school discounts, many well-known national auto insurance providers and some local companies do provide this benefit. Before enrolling in driving school, it’s advisable to check with your insurance provider to ensure they offer a driver training discount.

Applying the Knowledge

Even without the driver education discount, the knowledge gained in driving school can help you avoid auto insurance claims and accidents, ultimately keeping your car insurance rates low.

MyDrive Academy’s State-Approved Courses

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By taking a course with MyDrive Academy, you'll not only gain the knowledge and skills to become a safe and responsible driver, but you'll also unlock potential insurance savings - a valuable bonus that can help make your driving education even more rewarding.

At MyDrive Academy, we offer the state-approved 30 Hours Driver’s Education Course for teens aged 15-17 and the Adult Driver’s Education Course for young adults aged 18-20. Upon successful completion of these courses, we issue a certificate of completion that applicants can present to their insurance companies to inquire about potential discounts. Our courses not only prepare you for safe and responsible driving but also open the door to potential insurance savings.

In conclusion, enrolling in a driver’s education course or behind-the-wheel training at MyDrive Academy can offer you not only valuable knowledge about driving but also the potential for insurance discounts. The benefits extend beyond individual drivers to encompass families and even riders on the same policy. It’s an investment in safety, responsible driving, and financial savings that can lead to a safer, more economical future on the road.
